
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I think rap songs with pop choruses work way more often than pop songs with guest rap verses.  Usually it seems like the guest rapper is just thrown into the studio with little to no idea what the actual song is about so you end up with this break from the song's natural progression in order to accompany someone who is just rapping about being awesome.  And so the song slows down and loses focus for no reason other than, "Wouldn't it be nice if we had two popular people on this song instead of just one?"  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying it never works.  For instance, I really like "Oh" by Ciara and Ludacris.  And sometimes even when it does work well, it's not really necessary.  Would "Crazy in Love" or "Umbrella" be any less incredible without Jay-Z?  The answer to that question is, "No," in case you were wondering.  And as much as I love rap music, more often than not, I just find these pairings detrimental to the song.  Feel free to prove me wrong by offering other wonderful examples, though.  If being proven wrong means being introduced to or reminded of amazing songs, I'm all for it.

But in this case, I am extremely happy to have a solo version of "Dance Again".  Now it's finally allowed to be the song it should have been all along; a song about dancing and loving and dancing again all the way through.  And it's brilliant.  It's totally one of those hands-in-the-air, "OH MY GOD I LOVE MY LIFE SO MUCH RIGHT NOW," songs.  And what more could you want from a dance song?

P.S. Sorry for the lack of updates recently. My internet hasn't been very dependable lately. Sometimes it's normal and sometimes it's so ridiculously slow that I can't even watch YouTube videos (Life without Girls Aloud videos is very cold, indeed) or listen to Soundclouds. Hopefully it'll be back to normal soon.

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