
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


John Rowley is a nice, young chap from Sydney, Australia who sent me a press release a couple of weeks ago.  I had planned on writing about him then, but I was ravaged by a merciless cold.  But I've listened to his song "Guilt Trip" a bunch since then so it's time to sit down and bang this thing out.

"Guilt Trip" is a lovely, downtempo tune about dealing with condescension and superiority in one's friends and oneself.  WHOA, slow down, John!  Where's the lyrics about loving someone or dancing with someone or dancing with someone you love?  There wasn't even one mention of being sexy or thinking someone else is sexy.  But no, all jokes aside, it's actually very refreshing to see someone making a pop song about something different (not that making songs about the same thing over and over again can't be amazing, too).  John has also accomplished the difficult task of being a male pop artist I am actually interested in.  So, bravo, John Rowley!

His youtube channel is also very much worth checking out.  He's done a bunch of cover/mashup thingamabobs.  Some of them even include him singing in a lovably awkward way in front of the camera!  Yay!  So, here is his channel.  Go nuts!

And here is Guilt Trip.  You can download it for free on his Bandcamp page or be nice and pay for it.

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